
Gender Equity and Workspaces

Gender equity is an important topic that is increasingly being discussed in the world of work. On the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day, we take advantage of this important topic that is crucial to keep on the agendas of all companies.

Fortunately, efforts are being made in the workplace to create a more inclusive work environment, but there are many ways in which workplaces can add up in a meaningful way to achieve true equity in the needs of all their employees.

Here are some ways that workspaces can support gender equity:

  1. Breastfeeding and child care spaces: Companies can provide a safe, private space for women to breastfeed or express breast milk. They can also consider offering child care services in the office to help families balance their work and personal lives.
  2. Flexible work policies: Companies may allow their employees to work from home or have flexible work schedules. This can be especially useful for mothers who have childcare responsibilities or for fathers who wish to share these responsibilities with their partners.
  3. Eliminating the pay gap: Companies can make a conscious effort to pay all employees fairly and equitably. They can also establish equal pay policies and pay transparency.
  4. Gender identity sensitivity: Companies can be aware of the needs of their transgender and non-binary employees. This can include the use of preferred pronouns and the creation of non-binary restrooms and locker rooms.
  5. Professional growth and development: Companies can offer professional growth and development opportunities to all employees, regardless of gender. They can also ensure that employees receive the same support and mentoring to advance their careers.
  6. Prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment: Companies can establish zero tolerance policies for sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace. They can also provide training and education to employees on how to identify and prevent sexual and gender-based harassment.

Overall, workplaces can be more inclusive and equitable if companies are willing to listen to the needs of their employees and make meaningful changes to meet them. By creating a work environment that supports diversity and equality, companies can attract and retain top talent, which can lead to greater business success and growth.